good for bristol

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Quarry Graffiti Wall

The walls at the back of the firing range where I live regularly get graffed.

The datestamps on the pictures are incorrect, these were done in June 2014.

The next two are from late July 2014. The same crew started an ambitious piece on the lower wall but ran out of time before dark.

Penny and Sony, done on 13 August 2014. Before doing the wall they rang Ryder - a friend of theirs - and told him they were going to go over his big tag. I like the "Penny" tag but even Sony admitted his was a bit poor.

4 December 2014

"Ross, ticks and tents". Ross lived in a big tent at the back of the quarry during summer 2014. This graff also mentions the ticks, a regular theme in Leigh Woods graffiti.

1 comment:

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